How do I complain to Cebu pacific?
When you book a flight with any airline, but while traveling with that airline, you face some issues like flight delay, lost luggage, not getting good service, etc., you can send a complaint. While traveling with Cebu pacific airlines, you will get several facilities like complete packages, special facilities for a child passenger, etc. If somehow you do not like the flight journey or get any issue, you can also complain to their official representatives. If you want to send a complaint to Cebu pacific but you can not do it due to insufficient information, you need to read below.
Different ways to send your complaint are below.
Via phone: To send your complaint most quickly and easily, you must send it by phone. While connecting on call will also receive instant answers to your queries. To communicate on call, you need to follow the below points.
- Make a call on this number +65315800808
- Further, select your comfortable language
- Press 1 to new bookings
- Press 2 if you want to know about luggage information
- Press 3. If you have queries related to miles
- Press 4. If you have any, complain
- Press 5 to connect with the representative
Choose the option and connect with representatives.
Where can I complain to Cebu Pacific?
Via complaint form: Below is the steps to complain a file to Cebu pacific.
- Go to the website of Cebu pacific airlines in your browser
- Then click the contact us
- From the available options, you need to click on the complaint form
- Then you need to fill out the booking details like the date and timings of the flight.
- Following this, you must fill out the passenger details like complete name, contact number, and mail id.
- After this, you need to mention your complaint and submit the form.
- Last, the representative will connect with you and gives you the solution to your queries.
Via mail: You can also send your query mail, and to do it, follow the below steps
- Open your registered mail id
- Then click on compose a mail
- Following this, mention your complaint and attach the relevant document
- Last, send that mail to the
From the above, you will get the information about Where can I complain to Cebu Pacific? And still, if you face any issues, you can connect with representatives.